胃がんが世界で最も一般的ながんの 1 つであることは誰もが知りません。診断された時点で患者の 80% はすでに進行期にあり、予後が不良であるため、死亡率は常に高いのです。胃がんと診断されてすぐに亡くなった人も、多かれ少なかれ同じような話を聞いたことがあると思います。また、早期胃がんの臨床症状は非定型または無症状であることが多く、医学的な知識がないため、真剣に受け止めることが困難です。
早期胃がんの概念は、実際には1962年に日本内視鏡学会によって初めて提案されました。つまり、病変の大きさやリンパ節転移の有無に関係なく、がん細胞は胃壁の粘膜または粘膜下層に限定されます。 、現在でも使用されています。胃癌症狀ご存知のとおり、がんの転移で最も多いのは「リンパ転移」であり、その部分のリンパ節が腫れやすいため、関係する学者の中には「リンパ節転移の有無」が考えられると提唱している人もいます。手術や病理検査を行わずに事前に発見することは依然として困難であり、リンパ節転移は進行胃がんの増殖の特徴です。
したがって、この概念では「リンパ節転移の有無」は削除すべきである。その後の研究で、腫瘍が粘膜または粘膜下層に限局している場合、たとえリンパ節転移を伴っていても、術後5年生存率が良好であることが判明し、「リンパ節を伴う粘膜または粘膜下層に限局したがん」 「転移」は依然として含まれます。 早期胃がんの範囲。したがって、早期胃がんとみなされるかどうかは、主に腫瘍が胃壁(粘膜層、粘膜下層、筋層、漿膜層に分けられます)の浸食の程度によって決まります。
体重減少/下血: まず、胃は消化器官であり、胃内で腫瘍が成長すると、食物の消化と吸収に影響を及ぼします。 、腫瘍はまた、栄養素を求めて人間の体と競合する可能性があり、腹痛、膨満感、酸逆流、その他の不快感に悩まされる人もおり、その結果、時間の経過とともに食欲不振や食事量の減少などの症状が現れます。実際、腫瘍は継続的に成長する過程であり、その一方で、腫瘍が胃壁を侵食すると、出血が起こりやすくなります。血管が関与しているため、出血を引き起こす可能性もあり、血液は腸で消化され、最終的には「黒い便」が排出されます。
A:登山や百越登山などのエクストリームスポーツは、heart ekgに関係しています。まずは体力を鍛えることから始めましょう。まず、高さの低い山に登って心肺機能や体力を鍛える練習をします。 ECGを行使します。
1、不要有恐懼感做心電圖時醫生要在病人的胸前、腳脖上、手腕上接上花花綠綠的電線,有些人非常害怕,生怕會觸電,心電圖機還未開,心裏就撲通 、 撲通直跳。實際上這些導線只是把心髒的生物電 引出來 ,正像拍照只是把人體的形象如實地記錄下那樣,所以...
I if you don't know now, you know, IT's true. Yeah. When you're ready to do something and try something new that's out of your comfort zone. That's out of your norm. IT's always the one you're dating, the one you marry to the one that's in your family, your friends in your immediate circle that will always try and talk you out of doing something special and significant. Do you know how many people have had visions, ideas, and huge career moves that they were about to make? And they allowed the word no to stop them boldly walk into the room, which ahead held up high. And if they don't get it, laugh about it. Don't disown your ideas because they're disown in your ideas. Don't lose confidence in your ideas because they don't have confidence in your ideas. And don't be afraid to walk into the unfamiliar. Don't be afraid to do what's deep inside of you to do.
You got gifts, you got talent, you got capabilities, you got inventions, you've got all of these things that you need to unleash on the world. You don't have money, you may not have the financial resources, but don't allow your visions and ideas to be stifled because of what's in your bank account or not,and something inside of you made you say. But even though I grew up in this situation, i'm still gonna work. And b better man or a woman. I'm still gonna do whatever I have to do to break the cycle. I'm still gonna decide that I love myself enough to do better, bigger and more significant things, but it takes a very strong minded person to decide. But because I was born into this, does it mean this is going to define the outcome of what my life on purpose on this earth is destined to be? I see what's not there. I have visions.My visions are bold and unapologetic. You know, they say, you gotta think out of the box. In my mind, there is no box to have ideas and visions and dreams. And then to do any means necessary to see to it that the vision come to life. Only those that can see the invisible can do the impossible.
And then there's even more power to be able to see what doesn't exist. And then to be able to articulate and verbalize it, just keeping your mind in your spirits, open to the possibilities, i'm telling you, stop being afraid of the unfamiliar, uh, I love you, okay, I repeat. I love you. No one has ever told you this. If no one told you this today, this week, this month, this year are this very second, I want you to know I love you. And I also want you to know that the fact that you're still alive is still on this earth, even though it's been challenging and rough. And sometimes you get discouraged and uninspired to keep going. God has a plan. You will grow through what you go through, everything that you're going through at some point. It makes no sense to you right now. But at some point, god is going to reveal to you why all of these issues, challenges, and problems continue to show up and what she was supposed to learn from IT. You will grow through what you go through. IT's time to do something significant. IT's time to get up the IT's time to get back into being significant. Just woke up. You gotta do what you gotta do. What are you gonna do today to walk towards your goal? I'm just curious. I'm curious how many text messages are gonna come due today? Will you respond and end up connecting with that person that can take you off your path? How much time and energy are you gonna dedicate to your gift in your talent? Are you a gold? How committed are you to produce some results? A lot of people talking about what they gonna do. But how many yard today are going to decide to do it? I want you to write in the land of the blind, the the one eye man is king. I'm a king, you king or a queen. I'm just ask, are you in the gym? Are you doing anything to walk towards your goals of being in shape? More focused? Getting an a plus on those test.
Are you training as hard as you know, you're supposed to be training to make the team or stay on the team? You worked your ass off. You got up at six a m in the morning. You decided to stay in your college dorm and not party drink smoke and get high. You decided to focus and get away from all of the distractions so that you can pass that bar, examine that test. You decided to focus so that you can get a high test grade on your s a t scores and end up going to college estate, play sports, football, basketball, or anything that your college degrees allowed you to do and become, you decided to focus, get it done. You sacrifice all of the fund, the perks, and all of the fun shit you could've been doing, because you were that focused. I'm getting out of your own way, breaking a cycle, breaking the devil cycle of your own family. And you surround, I decided to love myself enough to want better desire better and seek better and moving the direction of something better. What is the next level of you? Are you done?Are you done? Evolve? That shifted to accomplish was five years ago. IT's over. You're still alive, you getting on your knees every night in ukraine, but then you're getting off on your knees and a doing shit you can't get points today for yesterday is gay. I'll give for how much money is in my account. I wanna make a statement every day. I wanna become the things that I see. Go get it. If you got a problem with shone life in your career, stop complaining about it. You spend so much time on your knees, your needs a bleed, get up off your knees and do the work.
There is more to do. I don't care how much money I have in my pocket. I'm trying to be significant.Does anybody know how much money was in martin luther king's bank account? How much did nelson mandela have in his bank account? Before he died? He was significant. He made a statement. He lived his life with a sense of purpose. He was selfless, he wanted to make a difference in everybody's life. And everybody he ever came in contact with I refuse to be another man that lived and died and wasn't significant, period.